Verdant spores explode into fast-growing vines if they get wet, which means inhaling them can be deadly. The seas on Tress’ world are dangerous because they’re not made of water-they’re made of colorful spores that pour down from the world’s 12 stationary moons. To do that, she’ll have to get off the barren island she’s forbidden to leave, cross the dangerous Verdant Sea, the even more dangerous Crimson Sea, and the totally deadly Midnight Sea, and somehow defeat the unbeatable Sorceress. Charlie, meanwhile, has been captured by the mysterious Sorceress who rules the Midnight Sea, which leaves Tress with no choice but to go rescue him. When the duke realizes the two teenagers are falling in love, he takes Charlie away to find a suitable wife-and returns with a different young man as his heir. Charlie is the son of the local duke, but he likes stories more than fencing. Tress is an ordinary girl with no thirst to see the world. Evil gods, visitors from other parts of the Cosmere, underground bunkers-this is an action-packed adventure that also drops plenty of hints about where the Mistborn saga might go from here.Ī fast-paced and entirely satisfying conclusion to Mistborn’s second era.Ī fantasy adventure with a sometimes-biting wit. Once the team heads for the Outer City of Bilming, the pace picks up to breakneck speed, and the bulk of the novel is spent rushing to uncover the plot and prevent disaster. In Sanderson’s capable hands, the first third of the novel moves along at a steady pace, setting up this new adventure while still allowing plenty of time for readers to reacquaint themselves with the charming characters who people this chapter of the Mistborn saga.

If the Set were to gain this information, the result could be a cataclysmic blast. Then Wax accidentally demonstrates that using a mysterious metal called trellium to attempt to split harmonium into its component metals causes massive explosions. But when Marasi encounters a member of the shadowy Set with unnatural powers who makes a bleak prophecy about the world ending in ash and darkness and uncovers a perplexing Set plot to smuggle material into-not out of-the city of Elendel, the whole group is soon drawn back into the world-saving business. Marasi and Wayne are partners, official constables charged with keeping the peace. Waxillium Ladrian is a senator now, desperately trying to use his influence to prevent a civil war in his homeland of the Basin.

A fantasy adventure about a race to stop a group of fanatics from destroying the world.